Compensation planning & Pay Equity Analysis:
Partners data contribution
Contribute to the future of compensation planning
Brightmine works in partnership with a number of organisations to build up a strong database of benchmarking salary data and to facilitate pay equity analysis. We work to share the valuable insights and tools with our partners and their members, to enable them to understand their position against the market and make educated strategic decisions based on robust data.
To submit your data into the Brightmine tools, either through a survery that we are running within your industry or to utilise the pay equity analytics tools with your consultant, please register by filling out the form to the right. You will then receive details of how to submit your pay details securely and confidentially.
Please read our terms and conditions below.

Complete the form to participate in the data research
Terms & Conditions:
- 1. Terms. This form is subject to the Data Services Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) found at Parts A (Core Terms), B (Data Terms), and E (Contributory Database Terms) apply to this form. Brightmine may refuse any order. Defined terms used in this form have the meanings given to them in the Terms. In the event of a conflict between this form and the Terms, this form shall prevail. References in the Terms to “LNRS” are references to Brightmine. References in the Terms to “Order Form” are references to this form. This form incorporates the Terms and constitutes a legally binding agreement for the contribution of your organisation’s data to Compensation Planning. By submitting this form, you confirm that you have the authority to bind your organisation to the terms of this agreement with LNRS Data Services Inc (if your organisation is based in the United States) or LNRS Data Services Limited (if your organisation is based outside of the United States).
- 2. Membership. The parties acknowledge that Customer is contributing data to Compensation Planning as a participant in a group arrangement in collaboration with the partner organisation selected in the drop-down above (the “partner”). Customer acknowledges that provision of one HR analytical report per year is conditional upon at least one member of the partner group contributing data to Compensation Planning. Customer acknowledges that Brightmine will not provide a subscription to Brightmine’s Compensation Planning product or any other product unless agreed in a separate order form signed by the parties; Brightmine shall have no obligation to provide any material or product other than the report and webinars described above.
- 3. Annual contribution. The parties agree that Customer will contribute data on an annual basis. This form will automatically renew for a period of twelve (12) months. Either party may terminate the form by giving written notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or the then-current renewal term.
- 4. Data Contribution. Customer will submit Contributed Data for all job posts in Customer’s organisation unless otherwise agreed in writing between Customer and Brightmine. Customer agrees to exclude from Contributed Data all names and all other personal data or personally identifiable information unless Brightmine expressly agrees to process such data on Customer’s behalf.